Ultimate Systems Programming Study Guide
- Final Study Material Links
- For primitives there are different types in C with different sizes and uses
- Keep in mind these are all for a 32 bit architecture!!!
- int
- Integer 4 bytes long
- double
- More precise number with floating point 16 bytes looking
- float
- A number with a floating point half the size of a double 8 bytes long
- char
- A character that is 1 byte long
- int
int i = 0;
double num1 = 1.0
float num2
int c = 'A';
- As it is once a type is declared, it is allocated to a certain amount of bytes in memory.
- What would we do if we wanted a variable of a different type though?
- Typecasting Allows us to
Declaration of Variables and Functions
- Primitives are declared normally
Functions are still created in a similar way
- These are both placed on the Stack
int i = 0;
char c = 'C';
int main(int argc, char * argv[]){
char *message = Hello;
printf(%s, message);
- Variables who are addresses to other Variables
- Helps point to the same variable in memory
- Helps with tasks such as Dynamic Memory Allocation
Creating and Dereferencing Pointers
- There are different ways that Arrays are handled in C
- Arrays can be dereferenced in two different ways
- [] brackts like a regular array
- using a pointer dereference
- If you have an Array:
//Access Element in Double Array
//Dereference Double Pointer
//Deference Pointer of Element of an Array
- All do the same thing
- What is contained in &y?
- Store Different datatypes in the same location in memory
- Can be defined with different members but only one can be used at a time
union money{
char *currency;
int dollars;
double price;
- Allocates to the biggest size, in this case
union money qasim;
qasim.money = "my money"
qasim.dollars = 12
qasim.price = 12.46
- The only thing allocated is price
- Keep track of the datatypes!
- Struct is a user defined data type to hold a collection of data types.
- When structs are initialized, they are stored contigiously in memory.
- All members of the struct are initialized and allocated the struct is initialized.
struct person{
int eyes;
int nose;
int mouth;
- Using a struct
struct person qasim; qasim.eyes = 2; qasim.nose = 1; qasim.mouth = 1;
Enumerated Types
- Enumerated types (enum) are quite different from struct and unions. An enumerated type is a data type where every possible value is defined as a symbolic constant. Enumerations do not have members. Structures do not define lists of constants. A structure can contain enumerations, but an enumeration cannot contain structures.
enum bool{
- Using the Enum
bool yes = true; if(yes){ printf("IT WORKED :)"); }
Function Pointer
- Instead of referring to data values, a function pointer points to executable code within memory.
int my_function(int a, int b)
return a + b;
- Function to be pointed to
int my_function(int a, int b)
return a + b;
int main()
int (*intpointer)(int, int) = NULL;
intpointer = &my_function;
int ans = (*intpointer)(1, 2);
printf("MY ANSWEEWEWWEWERRR %d", ans);
return 0;
Dynamic Memory Allocation - Malloc
- Allocates requested size of bytes and returns a pointer to the first byte of allocated space
- Dyanmically allocates Memory in the Heap of a size that is allocated at runtime
int *num = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)); //Allocated a pointer of type int with a size of int
- When there is not enough memory, malloc fails and returns a null pointer
- Allocates space for an array of elements, initializes all the bytes to zero
type *name = (type *)calloc([amount], [size]);
int *num = (int *)calloc(4, sizeof(int));
- When there is not enough memory, calloc fails and returns a null pointer
- Deallocates the amount of memory allocated dynamically
int *num = (int *num)malloc(sizeof(int));
- Change the size of previously allocated space(this will free the pointer that you give it while it reallocates the space–careful when using).
- Used for resizing previously allocated space
int main()
char *str;
/* Initial memory allocation */
str = (char *) malloc(15);
/* Reallocating memory */
str = (char *) realloc(str, 25);
- When there is not enough memory, realloc fails and returns a null pointer
Segmentation Fault
- You should never free a pointer that has been freed
- Because then we’d have a dangling pointer which can result in unpredictable behavior. This can lead a lot of issues for example security issues or can cause your program to crash.
char * name = (name *)malloc(sizeof(char));
Memory Layout
Kernel |
Stack |
Memory Map |
Heap |
Data |
Text |
- OS and Processes
- local variables, passing arguments
- dymnamically allocated variables
- undeclared global variables and what not
- declared and initialized variables
- instructions after compilation
Memory Alignment
- When variables are allocated they have padding
Ex: Allocating a struct on 32bit architecture
struct penguin{ char name; int fish; float calories; }
Allocated 13 bytes Has 16 bytes 3 bytes added for padding Order dependant
Algorithms of Malloc
Implicit vs Explicit Lists
Implicit List
- Uses lengths to link blocks in memory
- Need to identify whether block is free of allocated
- Uses the length to move to the next free block
- Use size to traverse in memory
- list abstraction
Explicit List
- Node to the next free block
- Won’t have free bit
- Will have pointer to the next free block
- Will have free blocks for look for sizes wanted
- Information of the data in a block of memory that is dynamically allocated
- First Fit
- First Available block that fits malloc size
- Best Fit
- Block that fits best
- Worst Fit
- Opposite of Best Fit
- Next Fit
- After first space that fits is found, look for next space that fits
- Saves you from looking at spaces you’ve already allocated in the beginning, forces you to look at space near the end
Concurrent Programming
Signal Handlers
- Signal handlers let the user program know when an event occurs.
- Conceptual examples: segmentation violation, message arrival, kill
- Examples in real life:
- SIGABRT (abort)
- SIGFPE (floating point exception)
- SIGILL(illegal/invalid instruction)
- SIGINT (interruption), SIGSEGV (segmentation violation)
- SIGTERM (termination)
- Inhibit the programming from procceeding
- Signals - software interrupts delivered to a process by the operating system
- Can also be issued by OS based on system or error conditions (i.e. a process is terminated when it receives an interrupt SIGINT signal by pressing ctrl-C)
void (*signal(int, void (*)(int)))(int);
- signal() is a function that takes in two parameters and returns a pointer to a function. This function being returned takes in one argument, which is the signal handler, and returns nothing
- if signal() fails, the funciton will return SIG_ERR
- int in * signal(int, void (*)… is for the signal name
- int in void ( * )( int )))… is for a function that accepts an int argument and returns a signal handler
- If you want to ignore a signal, use SIG_IGN as second argument
- If you want to use default way of handling a signal, use SIG_DFL as second argument
- The signals SIGKILL and SIGSTOP cannot be caught or ignored
signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); //ignores signal SIGNIT
signal(SIGALRM, SIG_DFL); //defaults SIGALRM
signal(SIGINT, INThandler); /*calls function INThandler
as signal handler for SIGINT */
- What is forking?
- fork() makes clones of current processes to create new processes
- creates new processes by duplicating the state of the exisiting process from which it is copying from (with a few minor differences)
- process id
- parent is notified via a signal when the child process finishes but not vice versa
- the child does not inherit pending signals or timer alarms
- the child inherits from the parent
- open filehandles
- signal handlers
- current working directory
- environment variables
- the process that invokes the fork() is the parent process
- the new process is called the child process
- when forking, the child process does not stem from main; it returns from the fork() of the parent process
*What is the fork-exec-wait pattern? *call fork -> create child process -> child process starts execution of a new program *meanwhile, parent waits (waitpid) to wait for child process to finish
- What is fork bomb?
- an attempt to create an infinite number of processes
- this will bring system to a near-standstill as it attempts to allocate CPU time and memory to the processes
- not necessarily malicious
printf("I'm printed once!\n");
//now there are two processes running
//that will print out the following line
printf("You see this line twice!\n");
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(){
int answer = 84 >> 1;
printf("Answer: %d, answer");
//printf is only executed once,
//HOWEVER printed contents have not
//flushed to standard out (no newline,
//no call to fflush, or change in buffering mode)
//when fork() is executed, the process memory
//is also duplicated and the child process start
//with an nonempty buffer
return 0;
//check return value of fork()
// -1 = failed , 0 = in child process,
//positive int = in parent process
//child can find parent with ppid(),
//but parent can only id child with
//return value
pid_t id = fork();
if(id == -1) exit (1); //fork failed
if(id > 0) {
//original parent created
//child process with id 'id'
//use waitpid to wait for child
} else {
//newly created child
- How does parent wait for child process?
- waitpid (or wait)
pid_t child_id = fork();
if(child_id == -1){perror("fork"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}
if(child_id > 0){
//child process! get exit code
int status;
waitpid(child_id, &status, 0);
//code not shown to get exit status
} else {
//in child
//start calculation
Children, Orphans, and Zombies
- Zombine Process - created when a parent process does not wait on the child process, and the process continues to run even when the user has forgotten it
- Orphan Process - child process in which the parent process has finished running and did not wait for the child process
- What would be the effect of too many zombines?
- Once a process completes, any of its children will be assigned to “init” (pid of 1)
- Children will getppid() return value of 1
- Orphans will finish and become zombies
- init will wait for all children, thus removing zombies
- How do I prevent zombies?
- There are millions of machines on the internet. How do we know which one is ours?
- Hardware Address and IP Address
- Hardware Address
- In a computer all the local parts have an address to help the machine and people identify what the parts are and what they are suppose to do.
- Hardware address is always unique to every single machine/
- IP Address
- An IP Address is the Address used to identify your computer on the Internet.
- Can be relative to a router
- (
- Hardware Address
IP Addresses
- Internet Protocol (IP)
- higher-level address for accessing over internet
- We have learned that there is a way to identify the machine on the Internet
- 2 Different types of Addresses, both for same purpose
Describes how to send packets from one machine to another
- IPV4
- 32 split octets
- 2^32 Addresses only
- We are running out
- IPV6
- 128 bits
- slow adoption
- 2^128 addresses
- 001:cdba:0000:0000:0000:0000:3257:9652
- Domain Name Service
- match words to IPs
- GoDaddy/Namecheap
- http://google.com ->
- To send a data to host on interent, need to specify exactly where the datagram is coming in
- unisgned 16 bit number
- max port is 66535
- only root can listen to < 1024
Data Transfer
- Data is transferred from one computer to another through the use of packets
- Datagram
- Also known as Packets
- Bundles of Data
- In IPV4 typically 20 bytes
- Includes Source and Destination
Methods of Transfer
- UDP and TCP
- User Datagram Protocol
- Unreliable
- All packets are sent and recieved without discresion on whether they get to desitnation or not
- Fast way of sending because no need to wait on packets being recieved
- Not in order
- Creates simulated connection between machines
- Sends packets and gets recieved in order
- If packet is not recieved then client would send request and wait for it
Server vs Client
Basic Method Calls
- Connection point on two links of a program over a network
int socket(int domain, int type, int protocol);
// On success returns File Descriptor
// On fail -1/errno
- domain
- connection type
- reffers to IP Addresses specifically
- connection type
- type
- Provides sequenced, reliable, two-way, connection-based byte streams. An out-of-band data transmission mechanism may be supported.
- Sends Datagrams connectionless, unreliable messages of a fixed maximum length.
- protocol
- default: 0
- mapping more than 1 protocol
File Descriptor
- File Pointer
- Gives information on file such as name, size, and memory address
- File Descriptors
- int that Identifies a file at the Kernel Level
- represent file and store information about a file
- File Handler
- Uses File Descriptor and adds methods to it
//File Descriptor Example
int fd = open("test.txt");
- connect file descriptor of socket given address specified
int connect(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen);
- sockfd
- File Descriptor of socket
- addr
- address of connction
- addrlen
- length of the address
- bind address to specific socket
int bind(int sockfd, const struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t addrlen);
//On success 0
//On fail -1/errno
- sockfd
- File Descriptor of socket
- addr
- address of connction
- addrlen
- length of the address
- marks a socket as a passive socket for connections
int listen(int sockfd, int backlog);
- sockfd
- File Descriptor of socket
- backlog
- amount of connections want to have in queue
- The accept() system call is used with connection-based socket types (SOCK_STREAM, SOCK_SEQPACKET). It extracts the first connection request on the queue of pending connections for the listening socket, sockfd, creates a new connected socket, and returns a new file descriptor referring to that socket. The newly created socket is not in the listening state. The original socket sockfd is unaffected by this call.
int accept(int sockfd, struct sockaddr *addr, socklen_t *addrlen, int flags);
- sockfd
- File Descriptor of socket
- addr
- address of connction
- addrlen
- length of the address
- Convert domain to IP Address
- Files can be open(), read(), write, using File descriptors
//Open returns fd
int open(const char *path, int oflags);
//Read returns size of file
size_t read(int fildes, void *buf, size_t nbytes);
//Write returns bytes written
size_t write(int fildes, const void *buf, size_t nbytes);